When is my interlock past repairing?

I should probably say that interlock is never past repairing, because I am all about interlock repair.

It is my jam.

But I can not say that interlock is never past repairing.

Because I do not believe that.

When I am telling you, Dear Reader, all about the interlock world, I try to keep it on the straight and narrow.

Interlock is sometimes past repairing.

When does this “sometimes” occur?

Interlock is past repairing when it is disintegrated and you cannot find blocks that match.

There are tricks to make them match, but sometimes you simply can’t make it happen, because the blocks are so weird that nobody makes anything close anymore.

And trust me, you don’t want to try putting the fully or partially disintegrated block back in. You won’t be able to put the fully disintegrated blocks back in because they are pretty much piles of of sand, and you don’t want to put partially disintegrated blocks back in. It will soon become fully disintegrated.

Anything else can be repaired.

*A quick note: sometimes the repair is going to be so thorough that you might decide that you want to do an entirely new construction. The existing interlock was made so poorly that you are better off starting over. 

*And another note. Another time to replace instead of repair is if you are expanding your interlock with a brand new look. If you have a walkway made of twenty year old blocks, and you are doing your driveway with the new hotness, there is something to be said for installing matching products.

So go ahead. Fly free!

Anyways, as recap: when your interlock is disintegrating, or when you are already adding a bunch of new stuff, you have my blessing to replace the blocks.

Peace be with you.